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[line] Monday, July 22, 1867 [line]
See a leopard seal in the river and soon afterward five more, turn in and sleep very miserably. The mosquitoes are very thick and it is so hot that a net is stifling. It comes on to rain hard and I lay and soak with every one else till about five oclock when we pass a village and see some low hills on W side between two of which is situated the Andréoffsky Redoubt. Arrive about six, go ashore and are met by the only man now resident there [Andréacher?]. Go up to the fort which is smaller than [Nulato?] and less improving in appearance but has two large cannon (12 pounders) 
Take a breakfast of tea bread & salt salmon. Get some straw for my boots and get off as soon as we can about nine o'clock. Raining a fine penetrating mist making everything wet. This fort has been nearly abandoned by the Russians only one man & an Indian living there. Some years ago when all hands were away but