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the Indians have reported cast upon the beach. Find a dead walrus but the fish or whatever it was is gone, the Indians have carried it off. Come back + cross the river. Buy some fat and two pair of boots.
[line] Wednesday Oct 9 [/line]
Buy two backfats. Myunik comes back having killed 4 deer. He brings me most of the fat. Get down the bidark + grease it and Ikké sews it where cut. Tomorrow with Ikké + the boy I shall start if fair weather for [Topanica?] and examine the rocks there. Staying one or two nights as the case may require. Buy some norka of [Astraskoi?].
[line] Thursday Oct 10 [/line]
Get every thing together + start about 12. Paddle a little way + track about the beach some 12 miles. Meet Torring [?] + take him along. Reach a little river where [Aluianok?] and a