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[written upside down]

but it turns out to be wooly - satux malchiska with an empty sled. Bad weather dark and warm. No doubt bad roads on the [parrenose?].
Close this book; and commence a new one tomorrow. This one has travelled from the Nulato fort round Youkon mouth to the Redoubt, to Unalakleet by water + back to Redoubt + back to Unalakleet by land and finally to Nulato again 1200 miles and more - besides numerous small trips to [Topanica?] + Ulukuk etc. Heaven grant the new may see me started back toward civilization and home once more. 
Thank God for past success and health and may He grant an extension of the same, and a safe return to those I love.
[line] W.H.Dall [line]
[line] Nulato R. Am. [line]
[line] Nov 30. 1867 [line]
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[line] Tuesday Oct. 29. 67 [line]
During the night the ice has pressed in + raised piles on the sandbars + beaches 10 or 12 feet high. 15 below zero + a strong N wind. Stepanoff gives me a good pair of nips. Make out a bit of what I want from the store. Poorga in the afternoon.
Get 1 lb[?] Scherkatsky tobacco 20 lbs[?] sugar, 1/2 lb[?] tea. a small comb. a pair socks. and 35 lbs[?] sukarce from the store + a can of alcohol from the magazine. Get some Krasnie from Old Martha. Pack up medicines. Give Stepanoff two more cans. He is like the horse [leeches?] daughter. Don't know whether I will get off tomorrow. Get 10 ukali.
[line] Wednesday Oct 30 [line]
Get every thing together and start after chi, about 10 A.M. with Goldzen, three Indians one sled + six dogs. Go on the ice to Miskas barrabora + a little further but the