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[written upside down]

closed, but exhibit no unusual appearance, the skin is as usual warm + moist, the muscles exhibit no violent contractions, the pulse is very feeble, in fact seems to stop entirely for a few seconds, the heart beats irregularly. The patient at intervals of five or six minutes struggles violently, tears the clothing and throws any article in reach violently about. the body and limbs are bent and the patient moans as if in severe pain. At the height of the convulsion the pulse fails for a few seconds entirely and the heart beats irregularly and then gradually assumes its normal state. There are generally two and sometimes three convulsions at intervals of 3 to ten minutes after the first fit and the convulsion lasts about three

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and sleds far behind. Make the twenty miles in 6 1/2 hours arriving at half past 2 P M at Unalakleet where I pitch into tea + deer meat at a fearful rate. Goldsen + the dogs + sled arrive three hours afterward having broken  + repaired the sled + wet every thing the ice having given way. Very tired and sleep badly as I always do when tired. Johnny has killed another deer and the Indians have had their annual fright about the Youkon Ingaliks coming over to fight them. Russians all shaking in their shoes. 
[line] Subday Nov. 3. 67 [line]
Morning. Goldsen repairs the sled and I pay off the men who went with me to the Redoubt to Ulukuk, and others. In the evening give Goldsen a bottle of rum in payment for the berries he gave me. He gives some to Ostraskoi and Popoff