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[written upside down]

[line] Wednesday Nov. 20 1867 [line]
Start with the daylight and about noon pass [Tapolover?] River leaving an Indian who has accompanied us so far with his boy + dog + one of Hamilcars dogs, here. He will hunt deer of which there are many tracks, fresh, about the road. Push on to a small hill this side of Beaver lake + camp near river. 
[line] Thursday November 21. 67 [line]
Start early and pass the Russian camp at Beaver Lake + one-tree camp and down into Perry valley where I stop at an old Russian camp and wait for the other sleds my sled having kept ahead all day  The snow was blowing over the bare hills near One-tree camp just as it was when I came over the portage with Mike Lebarge last year I little thought then I should come over it next time, the only american in the country. Freeze my nose + face a little, the wind being very cold and keen. Have a poor camp, wood being scarce + sleep well. Meat finished, must eat ukali 

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Arknapyak brings me in a dead nerpa but in fair condition and a pair of [comelone?] breeches.
[line] Monday Nov. 11. 67 [line]
The sick man is dead. + they have taken him across the river + left him in a piece of lovtak with a few sticks over him, his gun + every thing else with him  The dogs + foxes will soon eat the body. Tie up all my ukali in bundles of 20. Count up 460. Get my harness finished + buy a knife + gut shirt of Popoff  Get a lot of clothes washed  Andreas wife comes down from Ulukuk with trout and says that the road is very good + we daily expect [Pavloff?] + Kurill.
[line] Tuesday Nov 12 [line]
Morning, get my harness finished. About noon Kurill arrives with 5 dogs