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[line] Wednesday Dec 11. 67 [line]
Every body seems to be sick with sore throats or colds, and Yagorsha's hosaker is laid up with pneumonia and quite sick.  Bleed her and Paspilkoff.  Send Tikmurka after the rest of the trees which he brings over.  Pay him a fathom of drill and ten charges of powder for his work.  Speak to Ivan and get permission for Greishka to work on my fish trap.  Ivan by one has not yet reached Coltog.  His boy Peter arrived from there today.  No fish in Yagorsha's trap.  Feel a little better, -30°.

[line] Thursday Dec. 12, 67 [line]
Greishka says that the wood I have taken so much trouble to get, will not do, doesn't split straight.  As there are no Indians here I shall have to wait till Kurill gets back before I can get any more.  Bad headache all day, throat a little better.  Fish few in the companys trap.  Get out some specimens but feel too ill to label them.