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[[line]] Monday Jan 27, 1868 [[line]]
+42. The boys go after wood and I get some washing done. Buy some wicking. Toward
night a change of weather, N wind & -6. I hope & trust that we are going to have some cold weather. Dine off beaver tail soup. Feel better than for some time.
[[line]] Tuesday Jan 28. 68 [[line]]
-12. Cold & clear. First fine day, this winter. Kurill goes to the fish trap & then to his sable traps. Brings back 12 fish, a sable, a black pine grouse & a whiskey jack. Skin them in the evening. if the fish dont come out better now, I shall start with Yagor when Ivan gets back, from the Redoubt as I [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] get some flour, & the bidarra up, and then if I can't feed the dogs; why, they must starve, The snow is hard now, with a good crust & fit for travelling. I is too bad not having any dog feed.
[[line]] Wednesday Jan 29 [[line]]
Morning, clear and fine -15:
Peetka brings me in a rare bird Buy 19 sables from Kurill. He & Johnny go after wood. About