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[line] Friday Feb 28 [line]
Start early + pass Golsover abt noon. Chi peet + mend Matsons sled near the islands. See Myuniks brother near Golsover + give him some tobacco. Go round Tolstoi Point on the ice, an unusual thing as it is rarely good enough there + reach Topanica where we spend the night, abt. 5 P.M. Buy a deer skin and a piece of wolf skin.
[line] Saturday Feb 29 [line]
Leave Topanica early and over very bad ice reach Unalakleet before noon. Feel more unwell than since I left Nulato. Pay Chabounin for his breeches, take a Dovers powder + turn in. Break the Yakutz sled in the morning. Mend it next day. 
[line] Sunday March 1 [line]
Buy a parki for Peetka + 1 for my self + a pair of boots for him. Get sled mended. Get out stores + load two sleds at night