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Tuesday April 7, 68
Morning, start out with Johnny & attempt to scale the North Cliff after a crows nest & eggs which are there.  Get to within about 15 feet of it but the risk is too great and we come back empty handed.  Salt down about thirty white fish.  The warm weather will soon spoil the fish on hand.  Get clothes washed.  Philcar arrives and gives me about 3 lbs of meat in return for 20 rounds of powder I gave him in advance.  I demur to this, & he refuses to give any more, so I go up in the cache & get out about ten pounds more, myself.  These Indians can't do the square thing, to save their souls.

Wednesday Apr. 8
23 fish in the trap.  Take a bath.  Tomorrow begins the Easter prasniks of the Russians.  Skin birds & catalogue them.  Jack arrives, Honilno leaves