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Sunday, April 19th 1868 [line]
Kurill brings our wooden carve from the island where it has been laying since fall. Ivan has the impudence to claim it as his, when to my certain knowledge it was bought + paid for last fall. Hew out two oars. The Russians working over their bidarra + top for their raft, which last will be a failure I think.
[line] Monday April 20th [line]
20 fish in trap. Clear + quite cold. Get a tobacco bag sewed with small beads. Russians sawing boards for the raft. Muttallia + family leave for the small river to set rabbit snares. Afternoon. All the Takitesky Indians including Sidorka + Tekunka + their wives Woolly satux + Mikaishka. Have them all in to tea and change my plans so as to take Tekunkas rabbotnik instead of Learny in the spring.