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Friday July 17. 1868
Rise very early & see Andre & Adams.  They are going to turn everything & everybody out of the Fort except what belongs to them or their work people.  Adams tells me however that my boxes will not be disturbed and I may have a room in the Fort bye & bye when it is turned over, to the Hutchinson Co which has bought all the old goods & buildings of the R.A.F. Co.  Early in the day a report comes that Bergham on the Thos. Woodward has blown himself up with powder.  Go aboard & find him in great agony with one had very badly burned & his face pretty well scorched.  There is a chance for suspicion of attempt to commit suicide.  Dress his wounds go ashore & send Alexie to look after him till the evening when I will go aboard again.  The little Jew has set up a store in the [[?roofka]], but Adams threatens to turn him out.  Work over my boxes in the P.M.  Go on board the schooner and see Bergham.  In the evening see Stepanoff & settle my a/c

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to them.  In case I should come back, ditto.  Kurill kills a ring necked goose & a white goose at one shot, in the morning - and goes over to spend the night on the island in the evening.  Get my clothes all washed up.  Water falls.

Sunday May 31st 1868
Ice still leaving.  No signs of any Indians.  If they do not come tomorrow I may take Munday and start with him and Kurill for Kaltay where I can get another Indian.  Sidorka arrives killed one small beaver.  Has seen no Indians.  Plenty of ice in the small lakes yet.  Get Johnny's things ready to start tomorrow, Ivan expecting to start in the morning.  Skin a new duck & a loons head.

Monday June 1st
Early in the morning Ivan gets his things together and with Johnny, Sidorka, Lotsa, Storsman, Temoshka, Terocher, Yagorsha & Paspilkoff leaves about 8 A.M.  There is a good