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Buy 21 lovtak for R.31.50K =                 6.30
    14 lovtak Bean                           4.20

Redoubt a/c    Cash                          1.00
[[?Rec]] of Bean for lovtak -              $ 9.00
     Pay him                       $ 3.00
Pay him                              6.00
     Get a box of cigars                     2.00
           3 pipes                           3.00
           1 comb                             .50
Give Yagor for tobacco                       1.00
Sell my bidarra & sail for                  10.00
Sell my rope for (25 fath)                   1.50
Buy for Bean from Stepanoff on my a/c     $118.00
Spade                                        1.50
Buy two small scarfs                          .25
Pay for washing                               .40
Buy on a/c for Bean (about)                 84.00
✓ Sold beads to Mike for cash                5.00
Pay for one mink parki                      10.00
✓ Wire - Mike                                2.25 
✓ Two bags. Mike                             2.00
✓ 21 lbs blk tob 30¢                         6.30
✓ 70 lbs leaf at 30¢                         2.10
Buy a box of cigars                          2.00
✓ 89 lbs leaf tobacco at 30¢                 2.67
✓ Frying pan 50¢, 2 mess pans 30¢,
  tent 8.0 - 21 lbs shot 20                 13.30
Sold 5 lbs powder for cash                   2.30
21 1/2 lbs Ychev. Tob. @ 35-                 7.52

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[[start page]]

a/c of Johnnie Boucher

board at Redoubt
board at Unalakleet
7 pair winter boots                         3.50
1 shirt 1.50, 2 parkies 6.00
  3 knives 1.50                             9.00
2 pair water boots                          1.00
Tobacco - 6 lbs @ 40¢                       2.40
Give him to go up the river
2 lbs powder
5  "  shot
50 balls - 1 small kettle.
1 shirt
300 caps
1 axe (American)
1/2 lb tea - 2 lbs sugar
2 lbs Tobacco leaf

[[line across page]]

                                        R.  K
Goods from Stepanoff                  1247. 47 1/2
My order                               252  52 1/2
                                      1500. 00
My own goods                           105. 62 1/2
                                      1394. 37 1/2
Order                                  252. 52 1/2
                                   5) ____________
Bean owes me                          1141. 85
                                      $228. 37
Stepanoffs order 40.00 10.50 off        50. 50 1/2