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axis of a lateral bush continue going-
Looks very small, low specially in upper part of hill, where forest is [[strikethrough]] deu [[/strikethrough]] more dense and darker - Many new culms, very thin, [[evit?]] for no more than 3 in, then week and arching 
Culms solid, flexible, thin, the very old at the base [[strikethrough]] no more [[/strikethrough]] up to 1.5 or 2 (very few that thick.)  Culms with  ring of six canals near the walls--surface of culms very smooth, no hairs [[?]] [[strikethrough]] o3 nos [[/strikethrough]] wax--

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dark green.
Culms small [[strikethrough]] not white [[/strikethrough]] sometimes no more than 6-8- no more than 0.5 in. in diameter
[[vertical line on left]] A ring of stiff hairs at the base of the culm sheath, on the node- [[/vertical line on left]]
Culm sheath persistes [[strikethrough]] st [[/strikethrough]]on the new culms, only late tenidous [[strikethrough act [[/strikethrough]] when the branches start to grow and expand.  The Culm leaf blade trunjointed to reflexed; [[image]] many times curved, [[strikethrough]] covered [[/strikethrough]] concaved. 
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Transcription Notes:
Please review this carefully; the handwriting is very difficult to decifer. It is indeed difficult. I got several uses of the word "culm" which is a botanical term for the stem a plant, and a few other words as well. thomasc