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5-6 cm, then leaving [[crossed out]] one [[/crossed out]] on branches and trees.

+- 13-15 cm tall - long internodes
[[?]] hollow with thick wall. ca. 2-2.25cm in diameter. Surface [(?)]
"life, light + very dark green [[crossed out]] mottled (con manchas claras y oscuras)
Nodes thick, a little prominent [[cores]] by a velvety dense, white [[cores?]] of white, silky hairs. The node in itself, below +- 2cm and above the [[ridge?]] +- 1cm the [[?]] the area.
Culm leaf decidous [deciduous] at
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
young shoot
14.7 [[m?]]
[[line drawn from lower left to upper right with eight divisions; the top division is marked .70 and all other divisions are marked with a 2]]

Transcription Notes:
Some words are in Spanish. It is possible the line drawing represents a plant with measurements between nodes.