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[[Three lines drawn from lower left to upper right, divided into numerous segments with numbers.]] [[left line]] 2 2 2 2 1.86 [[middle line]] 21 20 24 31 38 42 43 52 55 58 59 60 58 58 55 50 43 37 39 32 30 [[right line]] 29 29 24 [[end page]] [[start page]] Week bamboo, climbing many branches x nodes branches thin with leave small, thin. Bud complement in typical Merotachy, [[sheal?]] type. It grows in some places in association with next Merotachy. FAA, 3 vials 2 with bud, 1 with leaves [[Rizome?]] colected- no photos yet Node without [[strikethrough]] ridge not protruding, is small in the bands, [[around?]] it. Probably sheath [[insertion?]]
Transcription Notes:
It is possible the line drawings represent plants with measurements between nodes.