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[[underline]] Merotachy [[/underline]] in flor.  2367
April 7, 1976

[[Men.?]] Ibirataia.---
same loc. ([[same do?]] Merotachy)

Alt. 300.
In upper part of hill in large clumps, all dead and with rest of flowers.  [[strikethrough]] [[Sam?]] [[/strikethrough]]
Seems that plants had flower for long period all culms with no leaves but in flor. Only in one or 2 clumps still some culms a little [[green?]]. and only in one

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we saw a new culm and another with branches and green but no flores.  It was next to a dead culm.  still thin. 
Old culms very robust +/- up to 7 cm in diameter, thin wall [[anxerous?]], [[underline]] Node [[/underlined]] not thicker nor protruding but marked on one side by 2 lines (insertion of culm sheath?
Probably up to 15-20 m Canot measure
They [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] think that the bamboo had died probably no more