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[[two lines drawn from lower left to upper right, divided into segments with numbers in each division]] [[left line]] 8 16 18 21 25 23 26 30 30 32 37 40 42 52 48 40 38 35 32 25 [[right line]] 26 25 25 20 19 19 16 * =7.68 m [[end page]] [[start [page]] "Those type of forest, dense [[strikethrough]] trees not very thick many palms, [[?]] [[?]] on top of trees Palmae: "oricana" photos taken color & B & W. Another jusara (they collected in Porto Seguro Oricana 2-3 m high with fruits- Merotachy [[strikethrough]] abundant under the trees. Culms 1-1.3 cm diam, very smooth, cover by white wax, node smooth not prominent. Culm sheath smooth blade reflexed. [[coedje?]]
Transcription Notes:
It is possible the line drawings represent plants with measurements between nodes.