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delicate plant.
culms +/- 1.2-1 cm in diameter.
Leaf thin small 
[[Seeing]] the same of Ibiratia ([[?]] 2357) but much taller.
Beautiful here, close forest.
[[Oval?]] setae a little curly also golden.
In some area mixed with Atranthate thick Merota - clumps dead flower not seen to rot [strikethrough?]] and old, it seems some or in Ibirataia M. multiramea?
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April 9       2371
[[Moniocoulon?]] glabrous
[[gualno?]]? ([[Iaboca?]]?)
Alt. 320 m. ?
Fajenda Yusara
Municipo de Yaguaguara
4.5 Km N of Apuarena
on road to Yuguaguara
([[strikethrough]] right side of road)
Hilly region, on south side of road.
Lower part and medium part of slopes have been cut down.  Only on the top forest remain, sometimes even this is disturbed.
52 K m from Ipiau