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Thick band of golden hair at base of sheath and node. This one seems to be deciduous, the hairs fall. They are present in new culms. in many branches is not [[larger?]] there.
Nodes with prominent ridge. (Como si sobre soliera [[loira?]] abajo]]
Culm rounded and curved on the opposite side of buds.
Bud compliment with dominant central axis, several (bud not [[many-many?]])
branches on side. Bracts
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and prophylla very developed sometimes, high in branches main branch does not develop
Branches o of 2e order (carrying the leaf comple-ments) with short internodes at base and thick nodes, sometimes branching.
Leaf complement [[full?]] developed, leaves narrow but not so small as in the other [[Atref.?]] 
Oval setae +/- long, white