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Correspondence to the Publisher TUXEDO CLUB 63 Bank St.-Trenton, N.J. Mr. Victor H. Green, Publisher The Negro Motorist Green Book 938 St. Nicholas Ave. New York, N.Y. Dear Sir: I am proud of your "Green Book" and consider it a great little motorist guide. After receiving a copy I only wished that I had one with me on a recent trip I made, as I am sure that it would have made the entire vacation perfect. The Green Book not only serves the Negro motorist and tourist well, but does a splendid job for its advertisers. With all good wishes, I am, Very sincerely yours, William H. Denkins, Jr. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underline]] THE NEGRO MOTORIST GREEN BOOK [[/underline]] ESTABLISHED 1936 WILLIAM H. GREEN EDITOR INTRODUCTION The idea of "The Green Book" is to give the Motorist and Tourist a Guide not only of the Hotels and Tourist Homes in all of the large cities, but other classifications that will be found useful wherever he may be. Also facts and information that the Negro Motorist can use and depend upon. There are thousands of places that the public doesn't know about and aren't listed. Perhaps you know of some? If so send in their names and addresses and the kind of business, so that we might pass it along to the rest of your fellow Motorists. You will find it handy on your travels, whether at home or in some other state, and is up to date. Each year we are compiling new lists as some of these places move, or go out of business and new business places are started giving added employment to members of our race. When you are traveling mention "The Green Book" so as to let these people know just how you found out about their place of business. If they haven't heard about This Guide, tell them to get in touch with us. If this Guide is useful, let us know, if not tell us also, as we appreciate your criticisms. If any errors are found, kindly notify the publishers so that they can be corrected in the next issue. [[line across page]] Published yearly in the month of April by Victor H. Green. Publication Office-Leonia, N.J.,-William H. Green, Editor. Advertising Office-938 St. Nicholas Ave., New York City, N.Y. Copyrighted - 1941 by Victor H. Green. Manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent to 938 St. Nicholas Ave. New York, N.Y., and must be accompanied by return postage. No liability can be assumed for the loss or damage to manuscripts although every possible precaution will be taken. District Advertising Representatives:- Western Representative-Carson Comedy,3278 E. 128th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Penn.& N.J. District-Howard W. Williams, 14 Trent St., Trenton, NJ. Subscription: Twenty-five cents per copy. Advertising: For rates, Write to the publisher. Last forms close on March 15th. We reserve the right to reject any advertising which in our opinion that does not conform to our standards. 1