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7.00am. See mixed flock 9600 ft.  2 PR's, 2 Fire bellies, 2 Rufs, probably more.
          1 Firebelly j [[arrow pointing right]] !!
          1 Firebelly f. [[arrow pointing right to same exclamation points]]
But at least one Firebelly stays behind after rest of flock seems to have moved on
[[margin note in red]]
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     See same flock a few minutes later. Same ingredients. Also 1 or more furnariids, 1 N. American warbler.
     There is also a group of 3 [[underlined]]B. nigrocristatus[[/underlined]] near edge of this flock. Very noisy. But they are apparently moving in opposite direction from the rest of the birds
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     Rufs feeding on insects in leaves and twigs. Also feeding in red cup shaped flowers. Too broad to need cutting. [[sketch of flower]]
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     A pair of Lafs (definitely identified) flies past flock, going very close to one Ruf, without stopping. 7:30 am
     Well! Well! The [[underlined]]B. nigrocristatus[[/underlined]] definitely [[underlined]]are[[/underlined] associated with this flock
     [[underlined]]nigrocristatus[[/underlined]] f [[arrow pointing right]]
     The PR's certainly seem to be passive nuclear here. Followed closely by Rufs. Other species (with possible exception of the furnariid) less closely associated.
     This flock [[underlined]]quite[[/underlined]] long sustained. But Firebellies seem to have gone long ago. They are obviously too mobile to stay with any flock for any great length of time.
     7:45. Following trail of what may be same flock, going down hill. Hear PR's. Also Firebellies. Firebellies much farther down hill, possibly "leading." Then suddenly come across 3 or 4