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[[circled]] 48 [[/circled]]
Not much bird noise. Some sub-oscines
See single Sooty Thrush alone
Some small hummingbirds around, but not, I think, Scans.
6:00 am. This alpine scrub here [[underline]] does [[/underline]] appear to be remarkably nearly empty of life! 
6:02 Hear what [[underline]] sounds [[/underline]] like a couple of Scans display flights. In area
[[margin, in red]] Scan ? [[/margin]]
of very steep slope, almost a precipice, covered with alpine scrub. Behind TV station. This is where I heard presumed Scans a few days ago, I have not seen any Deglossini here (which is not necessarily significant)
6:15 Different area. Near what sounds like one of the Scans vocalizations. (Long indeterminate series short harsh notes) Slightly down hill 
[[margin, in red]] Scan? [[/margin]]
Probably margin upper subtropical forest. This is probably not far from where both [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] Albi have seen, and flocks with [[underline]] Conirostrum [[/underlined]] spp.; but I can't tell if it is really close or not. 
[[margin, in red]] Scan? Gen Scan [[/margin]]
6:20 Hear what sound like several Scans same area, and slightly above (alpine scrub). Again I can't see birds. And again this is an are where I have not seen Diglossini. Apparently some Scan display flights in progress here too. 
Catch one glimpse apparent Scan display flight. Down hill. In approximate area where I am fairly sure there are no Diglossini. 
6:26 Hear Albi-type R in scrub fairly near road. Then catch glimpse bird. [[red check mark]] Definitely [[male symbol]] Albi. Uttering lots of R's with no trace Intro Notes. 
[[margin, in red]] Albi 87 [[/margin]]
In their "screen" Alpine Scrub between cut over area and precipice 6 - 12 ft above ground. 
[[margin, in red]] Cy Scan [[/margin]]
I don't think that I have ever seen either Cys or Scans in this precise area. 
[[margin, in red]] 88 [[/margin]]
6:38 See single Yellow belly alone. [[red check mark]] 6 ft up in Alpine Scrub