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[[circled]] 61 [[/circled]]

[[margin note in red]] Eusifera WCC Cy [[margin note in red]]
different ways.  Once [[underlined]] Eusifera [[/underlined]] supplants --> ♂ WCC. [[underlined]] Once, WCC's j --> Cy. Twice, WCC's f --> Cy!!! It looks as if WCC's here may be communal on Cys!!! [[/underlined]]

Then whole group goes 30-35 ft up in older tree. Gradually lost from sight. 
[[margin note in green]] 93 [[margin note in green]]
Just as it is about to disappear completely, I see that there is a large ^[[number in red]] 8 [[/number in red]] ^[[green check mark]] tree creeper following 20 ft behind. Definitely bringing up the rear.

[[margin note in green]]94[[/margin note in green]]
ADDITION: there also was ^[[number in red]] 9 [[/number in red]] ^[[green check mark]] [[underlined]] cyanocephala [[/underlined]] with "main party".

Flock as a whole was very coherent. Birds not far apart. And making definite, steady, progress in one direction. Up hill. Presumably going to roost.

[[margin note in red]] Cy [[/margin note in red]] [[margin note in pink]] XII HO [[/margin note in pink]]
[[margin note in green]]98[[/margin note in green]]
Reach upper edge Korea Station clearing, 8500 ft., 5:15 am. See 1 Cy Singing 35 ft up in tree in pasture ^[[4 green check marks]] near forest. Yellow-faced Whitestarts and some warbler(s) or vireo(s) in nearby trees. Then all fly off, definitely in a group, into another tree 50 ft away.

Mixed flocks seem to be becoming more coherent now! Reversal to non-breeding condition in evenings???

See a pair of Sooty Thrushes alone 5:21.

Get back to house 5:40 pm.

[[right justified]]
May 28, 1965
[[/right justified]]

Going uphill same place as yesterday afternoon. Delayed starting because of rain. Rain finally stops; but clouds remain very thick and light is atrocious.

On way up hill, ca. 6:15-6:25, see a number of dark birds in scru[b]