Viewing page 11 of 32

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5   Wet grassy meadow       Dry
8   wet marsh               Dry
6                           Dry
11                          Dry
1                           Dry
1   June 4 '68 Eye brown    Dry
6                           Dry
1                           Dry
11  June 12.                Dry
5                           Dry
1   June 13                 Dry
[[end page]]

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1670. Plants Andreaffsky, Youkon R. Rus Am. June 15. 68. W.H.Dall
1671. Cowslips. June 14. 68. Youkon River Rus. Am. W.H. Dall
1672. Plants. June 18. 68. Marsh near the Uphorn R.A. W. H. Dall
1673. Insects in papers. June 14 and 15 near Andreaffsky Youkon River Rus. Am. W. H. Dall
1674. Ermine, Indian skin. Anvik Rus. Am. Winter dress. W. H. Dall
1675. [male symbol] Red breasted snipe. Eye [[strikethrough]] [Hbag]] [[/strikethrough]] near  Kaltag R. Am. W. H. Dall
1676. Head of swan + 5 eggs June 9 Mouth of Chajeluk R. A. W. H. Dall
1677. [[female sign]] yellow bird  Eye blk June 12 Yakutz Kalatenik. R.A. WH Dall
1678. [[male sign]] spotted thrush eye brown Yakutz Kalatenik R. A.  WH Dall
1679. Nest + 4 eggs rosy cr. spar. June 13 Near Anvik R. Am. W. H. Dall
1680. [[male sign]] Black cap warbler. eyeblk Near Anvik R. Am. W.H. Dall