Viewing page 18 of 32

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Left page         :  Right page
1843 [top corner] : 
1[check mark] Dry : 1747. [[male sign]] Great    snipe. Eyeblk. June                                          22, 68
                  :  Kutleet R. Am.     W.H. Dall.
1[check mark] Dry : 1748. [[male sign]] Great snipe . Eye blk.June 
                  :  Kutleet R. Am.            W.H. Dall.
1             Dry : 1749 [[male sign]] Curvedbill snipe. Eyeblk, 
                                                  June 22
                  :   68. Kutleet R. Am.       W.H.Dall. 
1             Dry :1750.[[male sign]]         Curvedbill snipe. Eyeblk,June
                  :   22,68 Kutleet R. Am.     W.H.Dall
1             Dry : 1751 [male sign] white rumped snipe. Eyeblk,
                  :   22,68. Kutleet R. Am.    W.H.Dall  
1             Dry : 1752 [male sign]] white rumped snipe. Eyeblk,
                  :   22, 68 Kutleet R. Am.    W.H.Dall
5       Alcoholic : 1753. Small fish [[ac?]] from a Lagoon
                  :  Pastolic R. Am. June 18.  W.H. Dall
1             Dry : 1754. [female sign] Coesarka goose June 23,1868.
                  :  Pastolic R. Am. Eyebrown. W.H.Dall
1             Dry : 1755. [[female sign]] Coesarka goose June 23,1868
                  :  Pastolic R. Am. Eyebrown. W.H.Dall
1             Dry : 1756.[[male sign]] Safka duck. Eye buff.June 23
                  :   Pastolic R. Am.          W.H. Dall
1             Dry : 1757. [[male sign]] small yellow back snipe.
                      [[name crossed out at end of line]]
                  :   Eye black.  June 23, 1868.  
                  :     Pastolic R. Am.       W.H.Dall

Transcription Notes:
I showed the two pages by using a colon ":" to mark the page separation. Each of the catalog numbers is followed by a symbol of an o attached to an x. In most of the combinations the x is a superscript. The exceptions are 1753, which has no symbol, and 1754 and 1755 in which the x is a subscript. Additional comment by reviewer: the "Ox" described above are signs for male and female. In correcting the transcript for this, the format created by the original writer in effort to link the left and right pages has become confusing. Recommend to Smith. staff that you consider a revised format for this journal, which almost always has info on the left page aligned and linked to info on the right.