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Wednesday Jan 8
Morning, go to office. Order carpet for new office. Take theodolite up to Tilden's and have it forwarded. Go up to new office and look at room. Then down to room. Scammon comes in. P.M. call on Charley Low.

Thursday Jan 9
Work at room most of day. Evening call on Mrs. Hall. out & on J.W. Raymond

Friday Jan 10 
Feel very poorly. Work at room all day. Evening call on Stearns.  

Saturday Jan 11
Ditto to yesterday. Evening with the Elmer's. Get telegram from Patterson that my appropriation for vessel 23,000 has passed.

Sunday Jan 12
Church in A.M. Feel rather dull. Dine with Hague.

Monday Jan 13
Feel very worthless. Go to office with letters in A.M. Get portfolio from printer. Look after Carpenter. Go to Mrs Scammons. Look in at Art Association Rooms & call on Capt Noyes. 

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Hall comes in to see about vessel about noon. Overhaul maps and get some ready for the mounter.

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