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Go down to the vessel abt. 2 P.M. with Hall after calling on Kingot, Tennent, Edwards, [[underlined]][Chy Lung?] & Watkins. [[strikethrough]] P.M. Call on [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined]]. P.M. work at office a little while and then dinner. Call on Mrs. Lewis in P.M.

Thursday April 3
Morning come down to the office, getting a note from Davidson in which he says nothing further about his pretensions to issue orders. Go down to the painters with Hall, up to Kingots see Watkins during the day. P.M. write to Patterson & Davidson. Evening call on Everett, Smith and Stearns.

Friday April 4
Down to office. Call at printers & Reys. About 11 P.M. a Bulletin reporter comes in for information in regard to the vessel. Go down aboard and see Mr. Bailey & look over list of stuff to transfer to the Yukon. Take barometer down to Niebaum. Go in to see Capt. Noyes who is unwell and has not been at the office

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[[strikethrough]] dine at Mr Halls- [[/strikethrough]]

Wednesday  2-
In A.M.  go down to Ringots & get his report on the vessel. then down to Custom House with Hall and conclude the purchase of the vessel, paying for it and getting the proper vouchers signed and the bill of sale recorded after which go up to the office & work for a while and then down town, getting a small lunch & out at 7 P.M. to dine at Mr. Hall's  Capt. H. decides that he can not go for less than $150.00 a month coin which is beyond my resources as I shall have to look out for a new sailing master

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