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for clock. Up to office & see Stearns. At noon go down to vessel with Dr. Walker. come ashore & call at Reeds, then at Watkins then up to office. see Einbeck then down town pay clock maker, call at Carmanys P.M. call on Capt. Scammon.

Saturday Apr. 12
Morning call at Reys & see Honcharenko. Then see Coles man about furniture & Rogers on the street. Up to office. At noon down to Third St. with clock & bedding. Go aboard & blow up the upholsterers who have made some very poor jobs of part of their work. Come up town. see Cole's man pay for clocks. Get proof from Carmany. P.M. call on Stearns. 

Sunday Apr. 13
Down to office & to church. Write letters. Dine at Capt. Noyes & spend the evening there & at the Brannans.

Monday Apr 14
Morning down to office. Work over accounts &c. See Herrendeen & go over memoranda. At 12.30 go down 
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