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Wednesday May 28
Morning, blowing fresh with a westerly wind and a good deal of sleet rain & snow. Work at copying and other [clerical?] work. Copy Kuskokwim chart for the Captain of the Frances Palmer. Min ther 32°.

Thursday May 29
Morning storming hard. NW. wind rain & squalls. Work over views. Go ashore & leave word for Rufe & the washwomen. P.M. establish an observing station on the small spit near the govt. coal pile. Men at work on the new gibboom. Min ther 33°,5 P.M. wind shifts NE. & clears at 11 P.M. 
vert. [?] & [?]

Friday May 30
Observing on the stars until three A.M. Return to vessel, at 6 A.M. rise & prepare for A.M. altitudes of sun for time with sextant. Get a series of seventy. Day clear warm & fine. Min ther. 35 Wind fresh northerly. P.M. continue & finish altitudes until clouds cover the sky. Take a walk to the cave and get an arrowhead or two.

Saturday May 31
Morning cloudy, light NW wind. All hands at work