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deep sea line. one hund. lb lead & stellwagen cup. Get no bottom in 1008 fathoms. Line takes 1 h 40 m to coil in on the winch. Breezes up a little toward night & clouds up - wind shifts ahead. Get a good series of observations for  position of our sounding which is undoubtably the deepest ever taken in Bering Sea.

Tuesday June 17
Blows a stiff breeze from SW with a great deal of fog & cloud, beating to westward all day in nasty sea. about half past, two [[standing?]] to where [[Ingestcom's?]] rocks are taid down on the chart but see nothing of them. They were perhaps hidden in the fog. Sp gr. 25.5

Wednesday June 18
Morning wind, for a wonder, fair northerly, weather damp, foggy & cloudy about noon stand into Chichagoff Harbor, Attu Island. Come to an anchor in the middle of the bay about 1.30. Mr. Frost, Whitone mate of the Golden Gate, 1866 comes off on a bidarka. He is agent of ACCo here, but goes to Belkofsky this fall

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