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to supper. P.M. All  hands except myself + Bailey go ashore for a while.

[[line]] Thursday June 19, 73 [[line]]
Wind fresh N. cloudy all day, & P.M. pretty chilly. Go ashore in A.M. and pick up a lot of plants &c. P.M. get a bath and go round with Frost to several of the native houses which are clean & good. P.M. Mr. Frost comes aboard & I give him some medicines &c.
[[line]] Friday-June 20 [[line]]
Morning-half clear.  Go ashore & get observations for time, longitude & azimuth & off to dinner. P. M. go out to outer islands and get some birds & sponges and a very few eggs.  Return about 7 P.M. Frost F. [[tyone?]] come off to supper.  Skin birds till midnight.
[[line]] Saturday June 21 [[line]]
Spend most of the day dredging.  Weather thick, wind light northerly, some fog yet [[Ferchatella?]] frontals of [[Midd?]].

[[line]] Sunday June 22 [[line]]
Work all day over collections labelling, cataloguing & skinning birds.
P.M. Go ashore to Frosts house then go to the Tyones & have a [[fandane?]] coming back about midnight after having a thorough good time
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