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[[solid line]] Tuesday July 22 [[solid line]]
Morning somewhat foggy, nearly calm. Take observations for magnetic azimuth, dip, and P.M. soundings & a little dredging with tidal observations.
[[solid line]] Wednesday July 23 [[solid line]]
Stand out of the harbor in A.M. & try to pass between Iron Id & Little Kyska, but the weather is so foggy and the head current so strong that we are obliged to tack & go to the Northward. Get a latitude for our position at noon NE of Iron Island, which places it some miles south of its position on the chart. Day very foggy wind southerly moderate. Spend the night tacking about in the Amchitka passage
[[solid line]] Tuesday July 24 [[solid line]]
Day densly foggy. Wind, fresh SSE. Fog lifts at times and we see the coast of Amchitka and after running along the coast for some time stand into Constantine Bay and anchor in 8 fms hard bottom about 1 P.M. Shortly after this the fog shuts down very thick again.
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Top Chwostoff E by S
" [[ditto for: Top]] Iron Id SE by S 1/2 2 inches
on edge " " [[dittos for: Iron ID]] ESE 
small cover on NW shore
E slope long & even
N abrupt [[?]]
W sloping & bluff [[sd?]]
[[strikethrough]] 35.60 [[/strikethrough]]
[[image: hand drawing of hill slopes - Iron Island]]
SE by E  S 2 miles Iron Id