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[[solid line]] Wednesday July 30 [[solid line]]
Rainy & foggy - Sun looms through now & then, and we get one observation with vertical circle in P.M.
[[solid line]] Thursday July 31 [[solid line]]
Day rainy, strong South wind & very dense fog - work over monthly reports & copying
[[solid line]] Friday August 1 [[solid line]] 
Rains & storms all day - Fix table in A.M. P.M. go across the island finding a bay full of rocks on the south side. Get thoroughly wet & return at 6 P.M.
[[solid line]] Saturday Aug 2 [[solid line]]
Rains & storms all day from S.E. very thick fog - work on copying. Wind fresh
[[solid line]] Sunday Aug 3 [[solid line]] 
Rains & storms all day from the Eastward. Skin some birds Wind moderate more easterly than yesterday
[[solid line]] Monday Aug 4 [[solid line]] 
Rains & blows all day from SE with fog - Work over copying notes
[[solid line]] Tuesday Aug 5 [[solid line]]
Rainy & stormy from SE with fog Go ashore in A.M. P.M. attend to copying. In evening weather settles a little but wind remains the same
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