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Saturday Aug 9
Morning take the large boat & secondmate & go down to the point where I had observed an opening yesterday, go in and sound & find a good harbor with three entrances behind some islands [[insertion]] many sea otter [[/insertion]] bottom hard, with mud here & there Return to vessel. Capt Herendeen has examined the other Bay & finds 9 ft of
water only on the bar. After dinner stand into my new harbor in the schooner & anchor in 15 fms - take the small boat and explore the ramifications of the bay among the islands discovering a bay five miles long & two wide with innumerable islands, completely landlocked. Remains of five old villages, one dead seal & many live ones and a great quantity of birds. Ascend several of the hills & return to vessel in P.M.

Sunday Aug 10
Foggy & cloudy. Skin seal and go ashore for a little while in A.M. but find beaches very bare - P.M. write up notes - crabs for supper Wind fresh westerly - 

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[image: two sketches of island/mountain landscapes, one labeled SE by E and one labeled S by E.]]
Pk SE by S 1/4 S vert.  4°.38'.20"
Course E 1/2 N          4 .42 .50
Log sends 19 miles      4 .43 .20
                        4 .43 .60
 "    "   25 1/3  "     4 .46 .30
                        4 .47 .30
        S 3/4 E         4 .48 .40
                        4 .48 .00
                        4 .50 .10

Gordoi SW by S  1°.35'.50"
                1 .35 .50
                1 .36 .30
                1 .36 .00
sea mile
60  .4

[[height of one mountain noted on S by E sketch]] 7247 ft 

off one
on  34.30
off 29.30
on  34.40
off 29.10
on  34.30