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and take a sound, getting bottom at about 700 fms Day cloudy wind very light or none

Saturday Aug 16
Dead calm, all day until late in evening. Sails mostly furled to keep from slatting & a nasty NE swell. Cloudy.

Sunday, Aug 17
Wind light & ahead. ditto current Beat all day into Nazan Bay and about 6 P.M. anchor in the harbor in 10 fms muddy bottom. Macarty the agent comes off to meet us, all the natives except two old men & some women are away. The natives live in the old Korovinsky Bay settlement, in a small bay in the Amliaside of the rocky & impracticable strait between Amlia & Atka & here. About 300 in all according to him. 16 died this summer of a contagious disease resembling spizootic but attended with cramps. There are six board houses & a number of huts. The harbor is well sheltered from all winds but a little swell comes in in northeasters but not harmfully

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             h   m    sec
Let go       12. 52.  00
50                -   2525
50                -   5530
50               53   2833
50               54   0739
50                -   4841
50               55   3547
50               56   2247
50               57   1351
50               58   0956
50               59   0758
50               60   04 [[strikethrough]] 55 [[/strikethrough]] 57
50               61   03 [[strikethrough]] 54 [[/strikethrough]]
50               62   04 [[strikethrough]] 55 [[/strikethrough]]
50               63   08 [[strikethrough]] 59 [[/striekthrough]]
50               64   53 105

Lead came up clean
About 700 fms.
Position 52.19

Kasatochi Id bears S by W
Koningi   "  " [[Dittos for: Id bears]]   E by S 1/2 S