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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] merously as the surface dries. The layers contain little sand, some do not show any, but the differences are apparent by the weathering and appear in their sequence to follow with a certain regularity. Here and there a little gravel is mixed in one of the layers and in these gravelly layers are also small fragments of bivalve shells, the most perfect being a small slightly concentrically undulated Pseudamusium less than half inch long usually, Acila was also observed and a small [[underlined]] Waldheimia [[/underlined]] like the young of [[underlined]] Laqueus californicus [[/underlined]] Occasionally in the upper layers of this formation the clayey parts have formed concretionary nodules in part fossiliferous. They are arranged in thin layers of a single series of nodules. These contain foraminifera and I saw a fine Solariella of small size in one fragment [[red ink]] 2 [[/red ink]]