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July 28, 1898.
Eugene, Oregon.
Arrived late last night. [[overwritten]] In [[/overwritten]] Up to 3 P.M. engaged in buying a saddle horse and a packhorse.
The trees and shrubs seen in the vicinity of Eugene are as follows.
Pseudotsuga mucronata, commonest tree except oak
Pinus ponderosa, abundant in places
Abies grandis
Quercus garryana, most abundant tree
Acer macrophyllum
Fraxinus oregana,
Populus trichocarpa, along streams
Crataegus douglasii = rivularis
Salix populifolia, along streams, large tree
Osmaronia cerasiformis
Spiraea douglasii
Rhus diversiloba, abundant
Prunus mollis
Acer circinatum
Philadelphus lewisii
Rosa pisocarpa, abundant along roadsides
" [[dittos for: Rosa]] macrocarpa, " " " [[dittos for: abundant along roadsides]]
Sambucus glauca
Berberis aquifolium
Rubus lasiococcus