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Many dead specimens of [[underlined] Eriogonum pyrolaefolium [[/underlined]], their roots partially or wholly exposed.
This on pumice drift slopes, showing unusual surface erosion.
At least 1000 feet above the last trees, [[insertion]] ^ on an open southwest slope, [[/insertion]] the vegetation of the lower [[strikethrough]] pumic [[/strikethrough]] lava drift slopes consisting of only 
Eriogonum pyrolaefolium
Juncus parryi
Spraguea umbellata, [[strikethrough]] and an occasional tuft of flowerless grass [[/strikethrough]] I found the first Collomia debilis, collecting and [[insertion]] not found in 1925 809 [[/insertion]]
Saxifraga tolmiei, collected. 
The plant growing next highest to the above five is
Juncoides parviflorum
The next are
Lupinus minimus
Hieracium gracile
Carex spectabilis Dewey collected today [[insertion]] July 20 [[/insertion]] 823
Carex alpina
Pentstemon  menziesii-like