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July 30, 1898.
Hazeldell, Lane Co., Oregon
Elevation probably not over 1500 feet.
Left Mr. Hyland's in the morning and stopped for lunch at Blakeley's (now occupied by Mr. Wilkelson), 12 miles. In the afternoon went on to Hazeldell post-office, 14 miles further. Found the two Applegate's there awaiting me.
In the afternoon saw the following trees and shrubs.

[[checkmark]] Pseudotsuga mueronata
[[checkmark]] Thuja plicata
[[checkmark]] Pinus ponderosa, very little
[[checkmark]] Libocedrus decurrens
[[checkmark]] Acer macrophyllum
[[checkmark]] Taxus brevifolia
[[checkmark]] Fraxinus oregana
[[checkmark]] Quercus garryana
[[checkmark]] Arbutus menziesii, 12 to 16 in. diam. & 30 to 40 ft high not uncommon
[[checkmark]] Salix populifolia, along the river only
[[checkmark]] Populus trichocarpa, in the bottoms
[[checkmark]] Rhamnus purshiana
[[checkmark]] Crataegus rivularis
[[checkmark]] Abies grandis
[[checkmark]] Prunus mollis
[[checkmark]] Castanopsis chrysophylla
[[checkmark]] Alnus oregana
[[checkmark]] " [[dittos for: Alnus]] oblongifolia
[[checkmark]] Cornus nuttallii
[[checkmark]] Salix nuttallii
[[checkmark]] Sambucus glauca