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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
8242283L + PMeteor + Polar21 331 42 E+9000 583h 25mOct 18-19 1949Region approximate to KA. Drive stopped 00 50 00.
8242284MMeteor01 091 06 E+1502 0056Oct 18-19 1949Meteor * * Meteor - 01 - 29 - 04 Bet. Aldebaran & Pleades -1 med non-orionid, white 12-15°, no train - S > N. (Look for Meteor 01 =[[ ?]] - 05) see KC 551.
8242285LMeteor02 011 09 E+1503 0160Oct 18-19 1949
8242286LMeteor03 021 09 E+1504 0058Oct 18-19 1949
8242287LMeteor04 031 09 E+1505 0057Oct 18-19 1949
8242288L2Meteor05 021 09 E+1505 1715Oct 18-19 1949Dawn -
82Oct 18-19 1949Late start - KC shutter again Visual 22 05 - 22 25. 22 30 - 23 00. Tf clock rate 21 45 00 - 21s fast. 23 30 00 - 20 s fast. 04 45 00 20s fast.
82Oct 19-20 1949Station manned but observer KO'ed by a Black Widow spider.