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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
13042408LMeteors20 571 40 E+1523 00123Nov 20-21 1949
13042409LMeteors23 021 38 E+1501 00118Nov 20-21 1949
13042410LMeteors01 011 39 E+1503 00119Nov 20-21 1949
13042411LMeteors03 011 39 E+1505 00119Nov 20-21 1949
13042412LMeteors05 011 10 E+1505 4549Nov 20-21 1949Dawn.
130Nov 21-22 194924 doz undeveloped plates and an unpromising sky which later proved to be overcast until early morning in turn with clds still present at over both station at dawn - stations not manned.
130Nov 22-23 1949Stations not manned. Observer ill. Visual 22 10 - 22 30. 22 35 - 22 59. TF Clock Rate 21 00 ±0s 21 17 1s slow 21 51 2.8s slow 22 28 3.5s slow 22 59 3.5 s slow 23 56 3.6s slow 01 03 3.6s slow 02 58 3.6s slow 04 59 3.5s slow.