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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
3042639LMeteors13 3021 481 37 E+4523 29101Apr 21-22 1950Shutter - at 22 00 - 1726 RPM. Meteor -1 mag. Yellow, Med. Star - only last portion seen - 10° S of Polaris - 11 to and 8° W of β + γ Ursa Minoris. 22 20 47 REM. Meteor: 23 23 05, -1 1/2, slightly yellow, med speed, 1-2s train and broad. Thru γ and κ Corona Bor. E > W. Lyrid? REM + PSC.
3042640LMeteors15 0023 311 24 E+4500 5988Apr 21-22 1950
3042641LMeteors16 3001 011 24 E+4502 29Apr 21-22 1950Shutter * 1710 at 01 15, steady. Shutter 1720 at 02 03, steady. 01 45 38 - Meteor 8° S of Vega 2° long - 0 or -1 mag. Lyrid, Yellowish. 01 48 50 - 30° long - 0 mag. 1/2s train, yellow, not a Lyrid, from γ Draconis to α Cygni. 02 13 59 - Meteor, 0, white, Lyrid, possibly train, 10-15°, due N of radient.
3042642L18 0002 311 24 E+45Apr 21-22 1950Shutter 1720 RPM. * Shutter speed not measured between 22 00 and 01 15 - assumed by the radical change in speed took place shortly after start of first plate. Other possibility is change in Strob. It was calibrated for both readings but the correction to be applied differed by 40 rpm between the two calibration. (cont. Next Page)