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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
4042651LMeteors13 3121 130 42 E+4521 5946May 14-15 1950Late start - vehicle trouble on way to station. Shutter - 1720 RPM.
4042652LMeteors15 0122 021 23 E+4523 2987May 14-15 1950Shutter - 1723 RPM.
4042653LMeteors16 3123 311 24 E+4500 5988May 14-15 1950Shutter - 1725 RPM.
4042654LMeteors18 0101 011 24 E+4502 2988May 14-15 1950Shutter - 1725 RPM.
4042655LMeteors19 3102 311 24 E+4503 2958May 14-15 1950
4042656LMeteors19 3103 300 25 E+4504 1040May 14-15 1950Closed - dawn.
40May 15-16 1950Vehicle trouble - broken spring on car, motor would not start - arrived at station at 03 00.