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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
4842674LMeteors13 4821 480 07 E+4521 5911May 22-23 1950Shutter Speed - 1720 - rain until 21 30, sky clearing rapidly, moon W.
4842675LMeteors15 1822 021 23 E+4522 4442May 22-23 1950Shutter Speed - 1720.
4842676LMeteors15 1822 450 40 E+4523 2944May 22-23 1950Shutter Speed - 1725.
4842677LMeteors16 4823 311 24 E+4500 5988May 22-23 1950Shutter Speed - 1725.
4842678LMeteors18 1801 011 24 E+4502 2988May 22-23 1950Shutter Speed - 1725.
4842679LMeteors19 4802 311 24 E+4503 3059May 22-23 1950Shutter Speed - 1725. Closed - overcast + dawn.
48May 23-24 1950Complete overcast.
48May 24-25 1950Complete overcast.
48May 25-26 1950Off.