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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
7042721LMeteors16 4221 361 19 E+4522 2953Jun 20-21 1950Perfectly clear at station - .1 cl and lightning to E.
7042722LMeteors17 4222 301 25 E+4500 0191Jun 20-21 1950
7042723L*Meteors19 30000 30 021 11 E001 30 0260Jun 20-21 1950* PCR Plates.
7042724M *Meteors19 30001 35 320 05 E001 36 321Jun 20-21 1950* PCR Plates.
7042725M *Meteors19 30001 40 320 00001 41 321Jun 20-21 1950* PCR Plates.
7042726M *Meteors19 30001 45 320 05 W001 46 321Jun 20-21 1950* PCR Plates.
7042727L *Meteors19 30001 52 020 11 W002 52 0260Jun 20-21 1950PCR - Good - sky clear - region observed constantly - no visible change in transparency. Emulsion I-O 426,925. PSC All plates from same box and into same dev. rack.
7042728L*Meteors21 5703 051 05 E003 5449Jun 20-21 1950
70Jun 21-22 1950Off - complete overcast.
70Jun 22-23 1950Complete overcast rain all night.
70Jun 23-24 1950TF clock out.