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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
7842740LMeteors19 5723 481 07 E+4501 0072Jul 09-10 1950Late start - focus plates being taken on KF, on same mount necessary to move axis in HA. Sky generally clear, few small clouds with considerable lightning to N.
7842741LMeteors21 2701 021 23 E+4502 3088Jul 09-10 1950
7842742LMeteors22 5702 321 23 E+4503 1846Jul 09-10 1950
7842743LMeteors22 5703 180 37 E+4504 0143Jul 09-10 1950
78Jul 10-11 1950
78Jul 11-12 1950
78Jul 12-13 1950Complete overcast all night - rain + thunderstorm from 00 00 on.