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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
61136318 490 13 W0.021 22Aug 27 1898x 11363 For rate of clock Ld = 200 g. At 18 50 Dec sm +1/2 rev. 18 52 Closed exp. but left instrument running. At 19 20 Opened again HA at 0 44 W. 19 22 Closed. At 19 26 Opened again HA 0 14 W Ld = 150 g. 19 28 Closed instrument allowed to run. 19 56 Opened again. 19 58 Closed. Ld = 100 g. 20 02 Opened again HA 0 14 W. 20 04 Closed. Inst. allowed to run. 20 40 Opened again. 20 42 Closed. Ld = 50. 20 45 Opened again HA = 0 11 W. 20 46 Dec. +1/2 rev. 20 48 Dec. +1/4 rev. 20 50 Closed. Inst. allowed to run. 21 20 Opened. Think ropes of shutter brushed props of prism. 21 22 Closed.
61136422 274 01 E0.000 39Aug 27 1898
61136500 464 01 E0.002 54Aug 27 1898

Transcription Notes:
No exposure column. Not able to make out remarks.