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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1411987*α Boötis15 421 21 W+35.116 57Jun 12 1899x 11987 Stopped by clouds. * Pos. for 1900 of α Bootis is 14h 11m +19.7°. Readings do not check in either R.A. or dec. for this star. Was right star taken or were Obs. H.A. & Obs. dec. recorded wrongly? Don't know. G. Unidentified. Probably wrong star.
1411988VW Delphini20 33+17.919 440 49 E+17.920 42Jun 12 1899x 11988 Var. Star App. 5 min. signals from Willard through commutator. Willard is 2.5s fast of Bond 394. "0" end of apparatus precedes. E.T. 14 07 First movement and also long break. 15 00 Last movement. Clouds over region during last few exps. Bond 394 = 1.0s slow.