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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
6812314β Aurigae22 437 07 E+28.600 27Dec 06 1899x 12314 "A" At 23h 06.0m s.m. R.A. -1/2 rev. 23 33.0 same. 0 00.0 Cloudy. Wholly cloudy at close.
6812315HP 13687 10-26.205 241 47 E-10.207 28Dec 06 1899
6812316ζ Ursa Maj13 20+55.407 435 36 E+39.009 45Dec 06 1899x 12316 8 06 R.A. -1/2 rev. 8 27 R.A. -1/2 rev. 8 51 R.A. -1/2 rev. 9 15 R.A. -1/2 rev.