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[left margin very large font] Honors to Marian Anderson.

A host of tributes have come to America's great singer.
[[image: with 7 photographs]]

[[Photos]] #1 On stage at the Metropolitan Opera House the day Miss Anderson was engaged by the famous company

Photo #2 Princess Takamatsu presents the Yokosho Medal on behalf of the Emperor. 

Photo #3 The Metropolitan Opera contract is signed with Mr. Hurok and Rudolf Bing.

Photo #4 Sweden's King Gustav presents a medal.

Photo #5 In Denmark, a visit with U.S. Ambassador Mrs. Eugenie Anderson

Photo #6 Mrs. Roosevelt presents the Spingarn Medal.

Photo #7: Flowers are presented to Marian Anderson at the dedication of a $700,000 recreation center named after the famous singer. It is located in Philadelphia, two blocks from her birthplace.

[left margin very large font] Marian Anderson.

A host of tributes have come to America's great singer.
-----Marian Anderson has been decorated by kings and governments, honored by cities and universities, and praised by musicians and critics everywhere. King Gustav Adolf presented her with Sweden's "Litteris et Artibus" medal; Finland has honored her with the order of the White Rose and the Marshal Mannerheim Medal, Japan gave her the Yokosho Medal, and from Haiti, France, Liberia, and The Philippines have come other high decorations. Honorary doctorate degrees have been awarded to Miss Anderson by Smith College, Temple University, Howard University, Philadelphia's Women's Medical College, Moravia College and Dickenson College. Her home city, Philadelphia, has given her its Bok Award, and named a $700,000 playground in her honor and a multitude of organizations here and abroad have made her the recipient of medals, honors and citations. In 1954, the Metropolitan Opera engaged the famous singer, the first of her race to become to become a member of that company.